Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Winter Project #4

Presenting Peter's baby quilt! I wanted to do a quilt for sweet baby #4, and my friend Andrea was glad to help- in fact she did most of the work on it. I picked the fabric and did some cutting and sewing, under her tutelage, and then she put the whole thing together while I was in the hospital having Peter. I love how the quilt turned out, and it will be something I hope he'll use for his babies in the future. Don't you just love a bright, cottony, cozy quilt?

Peter is trying to be a quilt patch. Very still. Very bright.


Jennifer said...

I love it Merrill! And personally, I think it screams "Merrill" if I do say so myself. The colors...the polka dots. Perfect and precious!

A Romyn said...

I love that he matches! It looks so much better with him on it!

Jessie said...

Way to go!