Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas at Mt.Vernon

Mt. Vernon is, of course, the easiest place to go see from our house, so we went with the clan the day after Christmas. This is a good day to go, especially when it's snowing, as very few others will be there. The lobby of the welcome center had some beautiful trees decorated, and my favorite one was the one with books on it! How clever!

Every Christmas you can go see the Christmas camel, just like the one George had at Mt. Vernon at Christmas time.

He liked Cheryl!


We also were glad to see the gingerbread Mt. Vernon, complete with outbuildings, animals, and the Washington family. Impressive. The guy who did this is the White House Pastry Chef who does the White House every year too.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Why did George have a camel?