Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Pete, representin for Jay

very serious, and oh, the cheeks!

This below is what I walked in and saw one morning recently...

Ruthie had gotten one of her baby bonnets, and Pete was wearing it.  He looks rather Amish, I think.

What a wake-up committee!  Peter will never lack for attention, that's for sure.  These three LOVE him to pieces.  It is so sweet to see.


Jennifer said...

TR- (whoop, whoop) OJ- (whoop, whoop) AAAAANS!

That is a great wake up committee! Isabelle also loves 'waking up' Collins. I think it is one of her favorite parts of the day.

Jessie said...

Precious. I like that baby!

My Thoughts Exactly said...

I laughed and laughed about that. Reminiscent of my cousin and I cramming my toddler brother, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a tiny doll crib. He loved it.

I wish with all my heart that someday I will come upon such a scene, rather than seeing one brother in the crib taking a bite out of another brother. If not, I will just vicariously enjoy your sweet moments. ;)