Thursday, July 08, 2010

My 32nd Birthday: Moms Gone Wild or Now I Have More Flavas than a Baskin Robbins

June 23rd was my birthday and my wish was granted- a whole day with my sis-in-law (my bro Alan's wife) Cheryl at the beach! This wouldn't have been possible without a highly professional team of no less than 3 grandparents- muchas gracias abuelos and abuelas! We headed out as soon as we could and drove to Rosemary Beach, a little upscale beach utopia that I will probably never be able to afford! See the post office and town hall below? Yep. Crazy. And everyone drives around, perfectly tanned, on beach cruisers, see below again (note the cobblestone street).

So Cheryl and I waltzed in, carefree and fancy-free and other frees too probably, and ate lunch at the Cowgirl Kitchen- delicious, of course! I inquired about beach access and the perfectly tanned waitress gave us the access code for the gated boardwalk! Thanks PT waitress! We didn't realize the beach was limited to only people staying at Rosemary Beach. We sat on the beach, relaxed, talked-it was just lovely. When we left we laughed about the complete and utter difference between two adults leaving a beach versus two adults and 6 children. I had maybe 17 grains of sand, mainly on my feet. When leaving with kiddos, there is sand EVERYWHERE. I mean crevices you didn't know existed. I mean that we probably could be arrested for removing too much of the protected, highly coveted white sugar sand. Everyone goes home thoroughly exfoliated. But Rosemary Beach had little containers of soapy water for washing your feet, then showers up by the green. The green- where the perfect families were flying kites and buying lemonade. See below. After cleansing our feet we headed back down 30A, one of the coolest roads in FL, and did some shopping. See the fun mermaid store! Bright and eclectic and artsy. We hit the not so fun or eclectic Silver Sands Outlets, found some smokin' deals and headed home for a birthday dinner with the clan. It was such a refreshing day. Birthdays tend to be anti-climactic if not slightly sobering as one ages, so I count this one as a real treat.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Looks truly wonderful. Wish I coulda come!