Saturday, September 26, 2009


I love these pictures of the kids playing together recently- Ruthie was holding Harris and Mac came to help and then they ended up getting goofy and wrestling a little bit (under close mommy supervision). It is so fun to see Mac and Ruthie loving on Harris, and Harris just adores them. One day I was holding him in the chair in his nursery and we could hear Ruthie out in the hallway and Harris was looking at the door and just smiling, waiting for her to show up and come talk to him. He laughs at them and thinks they are the coolest ever. It is wonderful to watch them all become buddies. It sort of cancels out the older two's bickering.


Lindsey said...

amen. reese is like that with elle too and i totally agree on it almost cancelling out the bickering?!

Danelle said...

that's so sweet, Merrill!