Friday, October 16, 2009

First Tooth!

Can you see it?


Lindsey said...

i can see it! hope it was pretty painfree coming in!

Anonymous said...

ummm...did it come in in like a second?? the top pic doesn't seem to have the tooth, and the bottom does...and it looks to be the exact same picture. merrill, did you "paint" that tooth in? it's like the pictures in a magazine that try to trick you..."see if you can tell what's different about the exact same picture.."...lovely tooth, nonetheless.


Mallory said...

Precious! Harris looks so much like Ruthie in these pictures!

Merrill said...

I promise, no photo-shopping. If you click on the first pic so it's bigger you can see the tooth just under the bottom lip. I'll take the second pic off.